Dreaming about: Wasps
Dream Meanings: Wasps. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories:
- Processing (no hidden meaning)
- Symbolic (related to daily life)
- Predictive (possible future issues)
- Wasps and Bees
- Chased by Wasps
Wasps are spirit animals that are associated with efficiency, communication, teamwork, development, challenges, intelligence, and fertility. Seeing them in a dream denotes a variety of interpretations depending on their number, people involved, the situation and so on
Wasps and Bees Dream Meaning: . Wasps and Bees are usually not a good dream symbol. They usually symbolize strong negative feelings, disagreements, arguments, difficulties, challenges, trouble and pain.
Chased by Wasps in a Dream: If you were chased by a wasp or wasps in your dream, such dream is usually a good sign, possibly indicating someone’s romantic interest in you. After such dream, you could expect someone’s invitation for a romantic date in the upcoming days.